Confidence is king
On every given moment remember to ABC
Never run blindly keep thinking and look for your advantage in every deal
Quit envying high achievers be competitive and use them to drive you to success
U don’t believe in yourself, your customers won’t believe in you
Enthusiasm, Drive, Productivity = Success
Remember focus on what you can control your attitude and performance from there success will follow
When you get the ball rolling, keep it rolling
Humbly earn your integrity
Activity and productivity are not the same make your actions productive
Train yourself to learn capacity
You make the difference
Opportunity’s arise any given moment
U stay determined, you might just take off
Customers are best learned through FORM (family, occupation, recreation, money)
Hear twice as much as you say to the buyer
Always remember you are in the highest paid profession in the world
Sell with conviction
Earn customers for life, and many more will accumulate
NW&A llc ” Conquer What You Chase ” Sales Training, Motivating, and Consulting
Owner, author, and lead trainer Noel Walsh on the “Conquer What You Chase” 19 easy steps to conquer success. I hope you like the layout of the “Conquer What You Chase” sales traing, motivating and consulting. I ask you to get on this forward moving train that will drive you to inevitable success, it’s going to be something exciting to be a part of .
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Now, this is the stone cold truth….I’ve been in the business for 27 years and live by this way of selling……accompanied by the the 10/12 steps to a sale will make you some money!