Webster’s dictionary definition of


The state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity. 


A settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior.


Over all my years in sales I have tried to learn and gain something from everyone I meet. Those with more knowledge, those with less knowledge, those who I was trying to sell, and those who were trying to sell me. Remember a wise man will gain wisdom from all. In my journey’s there was a Sales Trainer who was trying to hire me. He could sure talk one hell of a line, which most sales people and especially sales trainers can do. One thing that always resonated in my head was that he kept saying he wanted someone with Commitment & Attitude. He kept on and on repeating, and repeating this stating everything else could be taught.

The more I thought about what he said and how many times he repeated himself, it made complete sense. Everyone willing can learn, obviously some more than others, but it is a Commitment to want to learn, and the Attitude to do what it takes to make sure to learn.


When we truly, and mentally Commit ourselves to something we are prepared to do what it takes to make sure what we feel is right and just will happen. We commit our thoughts, feelings, actions and attitude to Conquer what we set out for. When you have truly committed your all, there are no barriers that can or will stop you. And when the disappointments continue to stack up and it feels like every step you take forward you fall back two steps, that is where a take no prisoners attitude will carry you through the lows until you reach the higher ground.

Life is full of ups and downs, smiles and frowns, but when you are committed to winning with a passion you are unstoppable. It’s times like this where you look yourself in the mirror and remind yourself what you mentally committed to do. This is where the take no prisoners attitude is your sail and you fly through your critics, all the walls put in front of you, and turn your enemies and haters into believers and fans.

When you want something Pour yourself into it, become it, and have it become part of you. There is no better feeling than taking what you set out for, except maybe giving what you earned to someone who needs it.

Live Love & Conquer

With a Commitment to win, and a Attitude to overcome, anything is possible.

Another motivational blog post written by Noel Walsh Lead Trainer, Motivator, and Consultant from NW&A “Conquer What You Chase” Sales Training & Consulting from Ann Arbor, Mi.